Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Day of Classes

It's almost inane to believe that the school year is upon us already, as the schools I'm used to have yet to allow their students to move in yet. After a restless night of sleep, one filled with anxiety, apprehension, and caution, I began to prepare for class. It is odd, at least to me, to start school on Thursday, but at least I had University 101 as my first class. The infamous "un"-required prerequisite to everything USC is probably the most like the classes most of us are used to. Fun projects, minimal work, small classroom setting, fun environment, and amiable instructor. I never thought college would allow such a thing. First impressions are positive, but with a 238 student capacity in my next class (Journalism) looming over my head, it's hard to say what my feelings are right now. That's more than my graduating class, albeit my school was mainly comprised of males (a few feminine characters scattered around). All the same, it is safe to say that U101 will be a pleasant wake-up at 8:00 am every Tuesday and Thursday.

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