Thursday, September 11, 2008

Carolinian Creed

As a Carolinian...
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I will practice
personal and academic integrity;
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I will respect
the dignity of all persons;
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I will respect
the rights and property of others;
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I will discourage
bigotry, while striving to learn from
differences in people, ideas and opinions;
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I will demonstrate
concern for others, their feelings, and their need for
conditions which support their work and development.

Allegiance to these ideals requires each Carolinian
to refrain from and discourage behaviors which threaten
the freedom and respect every individual deserves.
-Carolinian Creed (

The Carolinian Creed is much like any other creed, which generally includes a list of do's and do not's. This is usually presented in a fashion that is articulate and verbally picturesque. When you get down the bare bones of USC's creed, it says the following: I will not cheat, I will respect everyone, and I will not be an asshole. That is essentially what the Creed says to me. If you would like to be more specific, you can define cheating, define political correctness, and define the lines of being an asshole. It all just boils down to those three main points.
However, the aspect that I struggle with most is the bigotry portion. I am a HUGE bigot in some people's minds. I am a fiscal conservative by political nature, so I really don't tolerate the typical bleeding heart liberal. I make racist remarks (although I am not a racist, I discriminate equally), I have no sympathies for the gay community, and I honestly could care less about what most people think. The general population is not that smart, so I tend to keep what they say out of my mind. I am open-minded, however. I do listen to criticism when it comes from a reliable source. Being here at USC and being around political correctness, my ways are sure to change.
In contrast, the aspect that I view as a strength is my respect for other people's property. I wouldn't want my stuff stolen, so I generally adhere to that social taboo. That's not to say that if some rich kid flaunts his new 16 gb iPod Touch that his daddy just bought him after he lost his first when, that I will not take it (we all know that kid). Obviously a joke, but that aside, I truly would not want my possessions to be touched or trashed and I treat others with the same respect.
Apart from these two examples, I would say that the other bylaws of the creed are fairly reasonable and self-explanatory. Academic honesty is a no-brainer. Providing a learning and comforting environment is a little mushy, but I can see where it's coming from. Like I said, the Carolinian Creed can be broken down into three things: I will not cheat, I will respect everyone, and I will not be an asshole (or at least to the best of my ability).

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