Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Incarcerated Scarfaces

With the final blog being written currently, it's hard to really concentrate. Studying, writing, living, partying, etc. There is a lot to do in such a short time span. It's exciting, yet draining. This semester has really been a learning experience. Maybe college ain't so bad after all.

Monday, December 8, 2008

No one on the corner has swagger like us

Community Service is extremely fun. I am working at the Alumni Association, 20 hours in total. It serves as both my U101 comm. service and my court ordered comm. service. I enjoy sitting here and stuffing enveloped, watching Aqua Teen Hunger Force. It drains me, and it sucks to have this during finals week. Luckily the people I work with are extremely nice, and I've even submitted my resume to the Alumni Assoc. for an internship. Hopefully this comes to fruition, as I am in desperate need for a job. I don't really think this type of community service is easy to learn from, as I feel I haven't learned my lesson. I sit here and benefit USC, not the city, not the country, no one. Every other part of getting arrested has worked though.

Friday, December 5, 2008

The police always try and aim flame at us/So I don't mind when a pig's brain splattah's

The prison system in Columbia, SC is screwed. The illegal and inhumane things they do shocked even me, and I went in anticipating the full wrath of the Bible-belt police depot. After seeing Richland County walk away with $500,000 a year in underage drinking tickets and another $300,000 in simple possession charges, I've grown sick to my stomach. Entering dorms and locked areas without consent, illegal search and seizures, bias and prejudice, and conscience-less decisions make the top of the list for how the police forces operate down here.
Check it. First, they use overly aggressive force, as you wake up with bruises all up and down your arms and handcuff gashes, not to mention a concussion (albeit self-inflicted, the concussion that is). Then, while you're in there, they treat you like a crack peddler or a rapist, puting you in cells with crack dealers who just recently violated parole via assault with a deadly weapon. Yeah, that is safe. Not to mention half the people there are still high, rolling, drunk, or zooted from the night before, so it can get fairly interesting. Then you are treated as if you possess IQ of about 73, that part was enjoyable. The water deprevation was fun, too. Screaming in a cell, covered in vomit from when you passed out, just pleading for water. Oh, no, water is not coming. Then when you realize you have a concussion, you ask to go back to the nurse. That will not happen, however. Nope, you're in it for the long haul. Fuck the police.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Herb got my wig fried like a bad perm

After all of these drug and alcohol classes, I have to ask myself, what did I learn? Through and through, my answer within led me to one answer: how to get away with it. If anything, the court and judicial systems have simultaneously created a better criminal, aware of all the laws, regulations, loop holes, and habits in the system. I've learned how to avoid situations, whether by avoiding illicit behaviors or just being smart and avoiding the omnipresent RAs. I've learned how to skew police officers. I've learned how to spot officers of the laws. It is ridiculous. Instead of addressing the issues, these classes have offered me nothing. Nothing. I end up lecturing the instructors or leaders about how they are wrong. I agree with them, but their facts and notions make me sick. If 0 people die of marijuana related deaths per year in the USA, versus the countless to alcohol and tobacco, then how come both the aforementioned habits/addictions are legal after a certain age? Because the system has its head on backwards and doesn't care about the college student, but rather the college student's money (not that he has much). That is what I've learned through this whole ordeal. In the words of Public Enemy: "Fight the Power."

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Me and you have never been even like Biggie Smalls' eyes

Blogging gives these new age cyber-terrorists way too much power. The distribution of information has been skewed to a degree where any libel or slander instantly becomes truth. What ever happened to civil rights? Protection from verbal or written abuse fell through at the beginning of the blogging nation. People are guilty before they are proven innocent, words are misconstrued, or stories are blown out of proportion. This goes to the bully mentality, much like police officers, these bloggers are just people who didn't get past high school. It really is funny, though, coming from someone who has a blod. Whatever. Just a thought.